The Warehouse Setup is located In the Parts Setup window via the "Setup" option at the top.
Once you are in the Parts Items Setup window, click the "Warehouses" tab.
Mandatory Fields
1. Warehouse Name (The dropdown box to the right of this stores all saved warehouses that were previously created and saved)
2. Branch
3. Inventory Account #
A Warehouse Description is not required, but is recommended as it helps the user verify the precise warehouse needed for use.
1. FIFO Inventory Cost - Check this box if you want the system to automatically utilize the First In - First Out method.
2. Average Cost (For Softbase 2.1 Only) - Check this box if you want the system to automatically pull the average price of the Part. Not recommended for use in 3.0 as it is not supported.
3. Re-Price - Check this box if you want the system to automatically correct the marketing price from the Price File.
4. Forced Pick Tickets (For Softbase 2.1 Only) - Check this box if you want the system to automatically print a list of all the parts needed when the part is received or inserted onto a Work Order. Not recommended for use in 3.0 as it is not supported.
5. Consignment - Check this box if you want the selected warehouse set up for Consignment.
6. Service Van - Check this box if you want to set the selected warehouse as a Service Van.
Drop Down Boxes ("Replenish From")
These fields are used for Service Van warehouses or Consignment warehouses to determine which warehouse they will replenish from when you run a Van Replenishment. Note that the warehouse must be have either "Service Van" checked or "Consignment" checked to utilize this option properly.
Additional Fields
Prefix Added to Part # - Inputs a prefix of the warehouse name to the part number for quick reference as to which warehouse the part came from.
For example, if it comes from the "Houston" warehouse and the part number is 123456, you can set this field to be "HOU". The Part number from this warehouse would then come out as HOU123456.
Landed Cost Account # - For International Shipping. The account number associated with shipping costs goes here if this warehouse utilizes international shipping.
Customer # - An informational field intended to identify the Customer Number that the warehouse is used for, if utilizing consignment inventory.
Be sure to click the Green Checkmark at the top to save and update any changes made.
Delete Warehouse
To delete a warehouse, select the corresponding warehouse from the dropdown menu and click the red "X" near the top of the window. You will receive a prompt that says, "Are you sure you want to remove the selected Warehouse from the system?". Click "Yes".