Physical Inventory

Physical Inventory

Before starting the Physical Inventory Count process in Softbase, you will first want to run a report to capture the inventory counts and values. To do that in Softbase, on the Reports tab, run the following Report: Parts Inventory Valuation Detailed, this report will show your inventory dollar amounts before posting.

To begin the Physical Inventory Count follow the steps below:

From the Softbase main menu under the General tab select Parts to open the Parts window

Click on Inventory Counts 

Assign an Inventory ID

Select which warehouse(s) you want to include in the inventory counts

Select other necessary criteria options within the “Inventory Capture Header” section.  

Click Capture

Inventory list will populate

DO NOT make changes to bin locations or add parts from this point on, until all posting of the inventory has been completed

Print Count Sheets

The print allows you to choose to include on hand qty, include the alt bin location, the bin column to page break on, and allows you to choose the line spacing, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, and 3x. 

If for any reason you need to run the capture again you can click the option to Delete existing detail then click the button to Re-Capture inventory

Count Inventory, then in Softbase, choose the appropriate tab for either Single or Multiple Bin

Note:  Multi-Bin Count entry is ideal for realtime Bar Code counts where parts may be spread out in the warehouse with the same part # present in non-continuous additional bins. Please see the Multi Bin Entry workflow at the end of this document for more information.

Select the part number that you would like to enter count for

The part number will be populated in the entry fields at the top.  Enter the correct count and click the Count button.  The next part number in the list will then be populated in the entry fields.  

Repeat until all counts have been entered

Inventory Counts - Multi Bin Entry


  • This feature allows users to enter in part counts based on an Inventory ID created in Inventory Counts by entering the part number multiple times and identifying the bin they counted the inventory in.  The counts will be summed up per part that was entered onto the tab and that summed amount per part will be the Count used to compare to the Current Quantity that was captured when the Inventory ID was generated.   

Softbase Updates and Setup

Physical Parts Inventory Process Form

After selecting Inventory Counts from the Parts Form, enter an Inventory ID and choose the “Multiple Bin Location Entry Method” to create an Inventory Count where you will use the Multi Bin Entry Tab to count the parts.  

When you create an Inventory ID in this fashion, it will default you to the Multi Bin Entry Tab when you go to enter the counts of the parts.  

Notice when you tab loads it defaults to blank and that is expected as you are to enter/scan the parts, bin location and count of quantity to the list.  

Fill in the Warehouse, Part Number, Bin Location and Count you wish to add to the list.

Once you do this you will see an Add button display and you will use that to add the count from that bin to the list.  

The Bin Location doesn’t have to be a Bin Location on the Part Record as the part may have been placed in another bin location without the inventory having been updated.  

Once you have clicked on the Add button notice it will be added to the list of parts in the datagrid.  

Notice the Bin Field in the datagrid lists the bin you counted the part in.  

You can add the same part multiple times in different bins or different parts to the list as you see below.  

Notice the Total Count of a Part that had been added multiple times for different bins is summed up.  This is the amount that will be considered the total count of the part.  

If you would like to edit any counts you can select any record from the data grid and choose to change the count quantity and choose the Update button.  .  

If you want to remove it from the list, simply click the delete button on the keyboard in the Count field.  

When ready to apply the counts to the Inventory ID you can use the Pre-Post button to apply those counts.  

After Pre-Posting the counts you can go back to the Capture/Setup Tab and see the counts were applied against Inventory ID


Return to the Capture / Setup tab

Click the option for Not Counted

Print the report of parts that have not been counted, attempt to locate and count those parts and then enter the counts into Softbase just as you did previously.

When all counts have been entered you will return to the Capture/Setup tab

Click the option for Count Variance and print report of Count Variance

Click the option for Value Variance  and print report for Value Variance

These reports show the count and dollar variances based on your starting on-hand quantities versus your new on-hand quantities. You can re-run the variance reports as many times as you want to until you are satisfied that you have a good count.  

Once you are satisfied with all counts click the Post button located under the Capture / Setup tab

Finally, in Softbase, re-run the Parts Inventory Valuation Detailed, this report will show your inventory dollar amounts based on the posted physical inventory count you just submitted. Based on this report and your beginning inventory valuation report (the difference between them), you can make any necessary journal entry adjustments.   

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