How to open a work order.

How to open a work order.

How to Open a Work Order

All work orders are opened the same for every department, from Softbase Systems main menu, Invoicing tab, click to open.

In this image: The Sales Document contains key information about the work order, i.e., Sales Information, Expense Information, Ship To Customer, and Bill To Customer. The tabs below detail the heavy equipment, and details about the work.

  1. Complete the Sale Information section. Click the drop-down arrows and select the Branch, Department, and Type of Sale.

  1. Complete the Expense Information for external customers only. Click the drop-down arrows and select the Branch, Department, and Type of Sale.

  1. Next, complete the Ship To Customer section. Click the magnifying glass to the right of the Ship To # field (required field) and select the ship to customer. The address automatically populates. 

  1. The Bill To Customer section, Bill To # field (required field) automatically populates based on the ship to information entered. 

  1. Enter the purchase order number in the PO# filed if you have one, this is not a required field. 

  1. Enter the equipment details on the Service 1 tab. If you’re on another tab, click to open the Service 1 tab.

  1. Use either the Serial # drop-down field, or Unit # drop-down field to search for the equipment the work order is for. When you click the drop-down field a list of the ship to or bill to customers equipment will display that you can select from.

  1. Use the magnifying glass to advance your search. The table below lists the magnifying glass location and database.

Magnifying glass location


Serial # field (see Equipment Search window section of this job aid)

Entire database

Unit # field, left side 

Current ship to customer and bill to customer

Unit # field, right side

All equipment for all customers

  1. Go to the Comments tab > click Date and Time Stamp button, or the Name, Date and Time stamp for a historical record of the comment > Type a description of the work order, including who you spoke with to help the technician understand the details of the job. (See Comments tab section of this job aid.)

  1. Click “Open” at the top left corner of the Sales Document window to open your work order.