How to perform batch billing for rental documents.

How to perform batch billing for rental documents.

To invoice multiple rental contracts at once in a "batch" you can perform the following in Softbase:

In the Invoicing window, click on "Inquiry" at the top, and then click "Work In Process" from the drop down menu.


You should now be in the Work in Progress Inquiry window. From here, Select the Branch and the corresponding Rental Department you are looking to bill for, then click Search. 

You will see a selection of all your open work orders for the selected rental department return. You can CTRL + Click to select multiple items from the list that you would like to bill out to the customer.

Once you have made your selections, you can then click "Invoice" and it will prompt you to close the invoices. Click yes.

You will see a confirmation that the invoices were closed and that new invoices for the next cycle were created.