Account Reconciliation

Account Reconciliation

Account Reconciliation

  • The Account Reconciliation is a new feature available on the Accounting Tab to help users reconcile a specific GL Account.  

  • The option is available if the Account Reconciliation Security is set on the Accounting Tab in the Security Window.  

  • This new screen will allow the user to enter a g/l account and reconciliation date to reconcile the account.  If it is the first time that the g/l account has been reconciled we will allow for the entry of a beginning balance.

  • If the g/l account has been reconciled previously the reconciliation date will be displayed below the reconciliation date.  

  • There can only be one open reconciliation for a specific g/l account.  

  • The user can select to display debits, credits as well as entries after the reconciliation date.  

  • The Display Records button will display all records.  

  • If the user needs to do a journal entry to account for a missing item such as bank fees they can take the Journal Entry button and that will allow them to do the journal entry and then come back and display it in the datagird.

  • Once the beginning balance plus/minus the debits and credits equals the ending balance the Finalize button will be enabled and that will allow the user to complete the reconciliation process.

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