

We have a parts email, that multiple people work quotes and parts out of. 
When using softbase, these same folks use the notes section to track who touched the PO or order last.
Is there a built in tracking or a field we can add for those who have multiple department heads that work off the same orders and or items in softbase, have a way to track each person who touched the quote or parts or PO numbers without them having to write their own timestamps on the stuff as they log in and out of softbase?

I notice it's missing a tracking feature from start to finish.

From the moment i open or add anything to softbase, i want to be able to see who did what every step of the way and have that logged or be able to view. 

Who opened it, who worked on it last, who added the most recent information.

Anything to be able to add tracking notes to follow along the process and see how many hands it changes?