Softbase Mobile Error Message

Softbase Mobile Error Message

In Softbase Mobile, we have dispatched a number of work orders to our lead tech/mechanic. When he logs into Mobile the Service screen will not load and instead we get an error message after about 10 seconds. We are running Mobile version 68 - we were told it was the most stable.

The error message below looks like the query is timing out. The mechanic has approx. 20 work orders dispatched to him at the moment.

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout expired

SELECT WO.WONo AS WONo, WO.ShipName AS ShipName, WO.ShipCity AS ShipCity, WO.Make, WO.Model, WO.SerialNo, WO.UnitNo, WO.OpenDate AS OpenDate, WO.CompletedDate AS CompletedDate, WO.Redispatched AS Redispatched, WO.OnSite AS OnSite, ScheduleDate, ScheduleHours, 0 AS WOType, CASE WHEN (qryDispatchRecvParts.OrderStatus = 1 AND qryDispatchBOParts.BOStatus = 2) THEN NULL ELSE qryDispatchBOParts.BOStatus END AS BO, CASE WHEN (qryDispatchRecvParts.OrderStatus = 1 AND qryDispatchBOParts.BOStatus = 2) THEN NULL ELSE qryDispatchRecvParts.OrderStatus END AS OrderStatus, WO.CustomerSale AS WOCust, WO.DispatchPriority, (SELECT COUNT(WOParts.PartNo) FROM WOParts WHERE WOParts.WONo = WO.WONo) AS PartsCount, (SELECT COUNT(WOArrival.ArrivalDateTime) FROM WOArrival WHERE WOArrival.WONo = WO.WONo) AS LaborCount, DispatchStatus

FROM qryDispatchWOView AS WO

Left OUTER Join qryDispatchBOParts ON WO.WONo = qryDispatchBOParts.WONo

Left OUTER Join qryDispatchRecvParts ON WO.WONo = qryDispatchRecvParts.WONo

WHERE WO.Dispatched = -1 AND WO.PaperWorkComplete = 0 AND WO.CompletedDate IS NULL AND WO.Disposition = 1 AND (WO.ServiceVan = 'ipilote' OR WO.DispatchName = 'ipilote')


SELECT WO.WONo, WO.ShipName, 'Lost Time', '', '', 'Lost Time', '', WO.OpenDate, WO.CompletedDate, WO.Redispatched, WO.OnSite, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 0, 9, 0, 0, DispatchStatus


INNER JOIN SaleCodes ON WO.SaleBranch = SaleCodes.Branch AND WO.SaleDept = SaleCodes.Dept AND WO.SaleCode = SaleCodes.Code

WHERE WO.Disposition = 1 AND SaleCodes.LostTime = -1

ORDER BY WOType, BO, OrderStatus, WO.DispatchPriority, WO.OpenDate, Redispatched DESC

Can anyone provide some insight into this error message or how to correct?
