Reoccurring Billing - Rental Agreement Set Up - To Populate Misc. Tab Items

Reoccurring Billing - Rental Agreement Set Up - To Populate Misc. Tab Items

Currently, when setting up reoccurring invoicing through rental agreement tab, the misc. tab items will drop off of the invoice when a new invoice populates for the following month.

I would like to see ALL information input into an invoice to populate when said invoice is set up for reoccurring monthly invoicing, not only the equipment and rental tabs. Please update SB to also populate the Misc. tab charges as well without having to change the department set up.

Currently, you would need to change the department set up to "Equipment Rental" or "Rental" to have the misc. tab populate items when checking the box "Reoccur w/rental" in the misc tab. 

I would like to see this check box tied into the rental agreement tab, so when you set up a new rental agreement in the rentals tab and check the "reoccur w/rental" box in the misc. tab the items would then populate with the reoccurring invoice.

Changing the department set up for each type of invoice is not effective or user friendly. Having this check box tied into the rentals tab would be much more effective and would not have the user changing larger components in Softbase like the department set up to accommodate a few invoicing items.